On 24th September 2011, over 100 people attended the UK Cystinosis conference at the Manchester Conference Centre– the first UK conference for several years and certainly the largest.
Attendees included individuals from the Foundation itself, researchers, medical practitioners, those with Cystinosis, their families, friends and many others. We were also very pleased to welcome our friends from the Cystinosis Foundation Ireland! We are very grateful to the Martin Currie Charitable Foundation and Orphan Europe for sponsoring the conference, enabling us to keep entry free. A big thank you to both these organisations!
Representatives from Sunderland University and University College Cork attended; both universities are undertaking research into improving Cystinosis treatments and have received funding from the Cystinosis Foundation UK, the Cystinosis Foundation Ireland and Cystinosis Foundation USA. In addition, we were very grateful to pioneering medical research firm Raptor Pharmaceuticals who sent several of their team from California to present their work at the conference and undertake research interviews with several individuals who have Cystinosis.
We hope those of you who came along feel the conference was a success and hope that we will meet again soon. Feedback is gratefully received – please Contact Us with your comments!