Colin Howell receiving cheque for £4250 on behalf of Cystinosis Foundation UK – received from the the Mayor of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Brenda Forster
We would once again like to thank Redcar and Cleveland’s Mayor Councillor Brenda Forster for choosing Cystinosis Foundation UK as one of her chosen charities, along with the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS).
Mayor Forster recently hosted a charity ball, this consisted of a great night of entertainment plus a three course meal. There was also a charity auction, tombola and raffle with all proceeds going to Cystinosis Foundation UK and GNAAS. The event took place on April 29th at Gisborough Hall in Guisborough, North Yorkshire.
Prior to the event Mayor Forster said: “This charity ball is going to be a great opportunity for raising money for two very worthwhile causes, networking and to simply have fun.”
Most importantly, the event was a huge success, raising £4250 for Cystinosis Foundation UK! Without fundraising efforts like this we simply wouldn’t be able to do what we do.
Mayor Forster chose to fundraise for Cystinosis Foundation UK because her nephew, Daniel has the condition. Colin Howell, Daniel’s father, accepted the cheque for £4250 on our behalf (picture above) and has passed this onto us.