Several years ago, the Cystinosis Foundation UK set out to raise £100,000 to support research that would help improve treatments for Cystinosis. It was a lofty challenge for such a small organisation, but by December 2006 we had achieved it.
We then set a new target of £200,000 and today we are pleased to annouce we have got half way to this new target. The total now stands at £150,095.75 and it is thanks to the wonderful fundraising efforts of many individuals, who have given up their time and talents to help our cause. Recent donations have included:
Furthermore, £645 has also been received via the Inland Revenue’s gift aid scheme, higlighting how important it is to include a gift aid declaration if you are a UK tax payer and make a personal donation to us. Gift aid allows us to reclaim the income tax on your donation from the Inland Revenue – and higher rate tax payers can make a further claim on their own tax form.
And you will hopefully have also seen that we have recently been able to confirm several substantial awards towards various research projects within the UK, as well as receiving reports of positive progress from Roz Anderson and her team at Sunderland University with regard to their prodrug research.
This has only been achieved through the efforts of our supporters and we hope we can count on your continued help to reach our goal of £200,000!