The 6th International Cystinosis Conference took place between Thursday 23rd and Sunday 26th September 2010, at the Village Getur (a dedicated Olympic standard training facility and conference centre) in Lignano, near Venice, Italy.
Around 200 delegates attended, including researchers, medical practitioners, those with Cystinosis, their families, friends and many others. The conference occurs every two years, and not only allows for those in the medical community to update and exchange knowledge and ideas, but also provides an opportunity for the building of the Cystinosis community and a chance to support and encourage one another.
The Cystinosis Foundation UK was represented by Vicky and Roy Forsyth, Jonathan, John and June Terry and Matt Blackham. In addition, there were many other families, doctors and researchers from the UK.
The conference was a great opportunity to meet many new and old friends, and we hope we have an opportunity to see many of you again soon.